Eggless Wholewheat Chocolate Pancake

My daughter loves pancakes, so whenever i am making pancakes i always like to add something that makes it little more healthy and when i found this recipe with whole wheat flour and cocoa powder in it, i knew she will love it and she did. I added some chocolate chips(for my daughter) and served with some chocolate syrup on top. And also they can be made dairy free if you use soya yogurt and soya milk , perfect vegan pancake too .


Makes 7 to 8 small pancakes

Ingredients :-

Whole wheat flour - 3/4 cup
Refined all purpose flour - 1/2 cup
Cocoa powder (100%) - 3 tsp
Cinnamon - a pinch
Salt - a pinch
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
Low fat yogurt - 2 tbsp
Low fat milk - about 1 cup or as required
Brown sugar - 3 tsp
Oil - few drops to grease the pan


1)Roughly whisk the dry ingredients - flour, cocoa, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar, with a wire whisk till they are well combined.

2)Add the yogurt and gradually add the milk. Whisk well to form a batter - not too thick or too thin. When you lift the whisk the batter will fall in ribbons.

3)Heat a skillet or non stick pan and grease the surface with very little oil. Add a ladle of this batter to the center. If the consistency is right the batter should spread a little to form a small pancake.

4)When bubbles form on the top surface, flip it using a flat spatula and then cook the other side. Serve hot with honey, chocolate sauce and fresh berries.



Beena said...

Delicious pan cake

Torviewtoronto said...

fabulously done

Poornima Nair said...

Delicious! Love that its healthier too!

Hamaree Rasoi said...

Excellent and mouthwatering pancakes.

anjana said...

wow!loved this tempting and delicious pancake

Anonymous said...

Delicious pancake

divya said...

it looks tempting and delicious.Inviting clicks.

Priya Suresh said...

Love to start my day with this beautiful dish, filling breakfast.

Ambreen (Simply Sweet n Savory) said...

Wow, delicious looking pancakes! Mouthwatering here :)

Shylaja Praveen said...

Pancake looks perfect and delicious. Love the eggless versiobn

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