Sunday, March 25, 2012

Chickpeas Snack For Nibbling

There is nothing like sitting down for an evening drink with these chickpeas by one's side. Since they come out of can, no hard work is involved. You can use organic canned chickpeas , but any kind will do. If you have access to an Indian grocer , do sprinkle the chickpeas with some chaat masala at the end. It gives them an extra spiciness. But this is not essential. These are best eaten the day are made.
Serves 4 with drinks

Source:- Madhur Jaffery Cook book


Can of Chickpeas:- One 15-ounce
Ground Cumin seeds:- 1 Tsp
Ground Coriander seeds:- 1 Tsp
Ground cayenne pepper:- 1/4 Tsp
Salt:- 1/2-3/4 Tsp
Chickpea flour or plain white flour:- 1 Tbsp
Olive or canola oil:- 1 1/2 Tbsp ( plus more for greasing the baking tray)
Chaat masala:- 1/4 Tsp (optional)


1) Preheat the oven to 400 deg F
2)Drain the chickpeas and then dry them off thoroughly with several changes of paper towels.
3)Put them in a bowl and add the cumin powder, coriander powder, cayenne and salt.
4)Toss to mix. Add the chickpea or white flour and toss again.
5)Add the oil and toss to mix well.
6)Grease a small baking tray (7"X10" is ideal)and empty the chickpeas into it, spreading them out evenly.
7)Bake 15 minutes. Stir the chickpeas around and bake another 10-15 minutes.
8)Sprinkle the chaat masala over the top if desired and toss.



  1. Nice munching snack !! love to have anytime !!

    Ongoing event CC:Vegan Diet - Plant Based Food

  2. Thats a good idea with chick peas..

  3. Preety,I just finished my lunch....chickpea salad.....& looking at your chickpeas I feel I still have some appetite...hungry for snack :) yummy....

  4. Yummy chickpeas. Great to munch.

    Hamsamalini Chandrasekaran,
