Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Baked Pancake Muffins

I know you all must be thinking what exactly is this baked pancake muffin. So let me tell you ,it is another easy and innovative way to make pancake. You can make this recipe with so many variations, list is endless. Use any of your favorite pancake recipe ( I used this recipe) and combine it with your favorite toppings and voila you have baked pancake muffins.This is really good for breakfast or kids snack.Refrigerate the batter a night before and bake fresh in the morning.

Pour the pancake batter in muffin pan and top it with any topping you like( I used mini chocolate chips, raisins & walnuts)and bake at 350 for 12-14 minutes.

Serve hot as it is or drizzle it with honey or maple syrup